Unlock exclusive discounts and access special offers by joining our membership program today! Sign up at the bar and collect your card and begin accumulating points while enjoying the benefits. To activate your card, a nominal fee of $20 is required - see below for benefits and T&C’s.

What Are The Benefits?

Accumulate points as a Harwood Hotel member

Accumulate Points

Earn 1 point for every $1 you spend. For every 100 points you collect, you'll receive a $1 credit to spend at The Harwood Hotel.

5% discounts as a Harwood Hotel member

5% Discounts

Enjoy ongoing 5% discount every day of the week, all year round - sign up today!

Birthday voucher as Harwood Hotel member

Birthday Voucher

Celebrate your birthday with us! You'll receive a complimentary meal redeemable on your birthday!

Get 15% off accomodation as a Harwood Hotel member

15% Off Accommodation

15% discount on all accommodation bookings at The Harwood Hotel

Harwood Hotel membership card


● Loyalty cards are issued to the person whose name appears on the application form and are not transferable to any other person(s).

● To start earning loyalty points, you must present your physical loyalty card to any staff member at the Harwood Hotel at the commencement of every sale. Management or staff members will not be able to search for your details and points cannot be awarded after the sale is cashed through the register.

● Photos of the loyalty card will not be accepted.

● Members can redeem their accrued dollars to purchase a product or deduct the accrued monetary value off their bill/sale at any time.

● Loyalty cards remain the property of the Harwood Hotel. Any members(s)/customer(s) who deliberately mis-use their card or another members card will have it voided by management.

● Members found deliberately using their loyalty card through a third party/on behalf of sales made through another customer will have their card voided by management.

● Lost or stolen loyalty cards must be reported to management and a new card will be issued.

● By signing as a member the recipient of the loyalty card agrees and acknowledges they may occasionally receive promotional material such as special offers or important messages from the Harwood Hotel.

● All points accrued must be used within 12 months or they will expire automatically after the 12 month period has lapsed.

● If a members’ annual fee has not been renewed within 12 months of expiration, their loyalty account will be void automatically.

● In the event that the business is sold, card members will be informed via email and given two weeks to spend any accrued points before the business changes hands. At the hand-over of the business to new owners, all remaining points will be deleted.

● We reserve the right to change these terms from time to time, and you agree that each time you use the loyalty card you accept the terms as existing at that time.